Included in our Insurance Agent’s E&O program is loss prevention counseling. Our clients will have easy access to an experienced senior risk management attorney to confidentially discuss matters involving a potential claim, incident, or risk management inquiries. This feature is intended to help our clients prevent issues from arising or from turning into bigger problems and/or costly claims. Counseling available through this program is designed to address concerns such as the following:
- Issues raised by holding yourself out as a specialist
- Handling of a potential claim
- Failure to identify client exposure
- Communicating a potential error to a client
- Structuring your office’s policies, procedures and administration to prevent issues from arising
Loss Prevention Hotline
NOTE: The loss prevention hotline is available only to policyholders through CITA’s Insurance Agent’s E&O program. Please have your policy and policy number readily available when contacting the hotline.
Risk Management Articles: